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What Every Poet Needs: Brandon Snyder

In the realm of verse, where emotions flow,

A poet's heart seeks words to bestow.

With pen in hand and thoughts set free,

I present to you, what every poet needs.

First and foremost, a soul that yearns,

To capture love, heartache, and the turns

Of life's winding road, both dark and bright,

A poet's spirit, seeking truth in the night.

Next, a mind that dances in the rhyme,

Weaving words together, like hands in time.

Imagination, the poet's faithful muse,

To ignite the spark, to inspire and amuse.

Inside their chest, a beating heart,

A vessel for all the tales to impart.

Empathy flows through every vein and line,

A poet's compassion, a gift divine.

A whispering pen, an ink-stained quill,

A poet's tool, to etch both joy and ill.

Each stroke, like a heartbeat on the page,

Bearing witness to life's joys and rage.

An open eye, keen and curious,

To observe the world, both perilous and glorious.

For a poet must see beyond the mundane,

Finding beauty where others see only rain.

Patience, my friend, is another key,

For poetry's magic takes time to decree.

Crafting rhythms, refining each line,

A poet's dedication, a gift so fine.

And lastly, a soul that lingers in the sound,

Within each syllable, a universe is found.

For every poet knows, the song's the thing,

To let their voice soar and let it sing.

So, dear poet, take these words to heart,

May they guide you as you embark.

For in every verse, you'll find your seeds,

And cherish what every poet needs.

Brandon Snyder©️



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