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The Innocence of a child’s mind

Paul Williams, A wonderful poet who lives in Wales, UK

The innocence of a child's mind

An innocent mind, blessed with no harm,

Just a smile and a youthful charm.

Doesn't fully understand bad or good,

Being taught by mother like they should.

No worries to weigh on their mind,

Always looks forward, never behind.

Not corrupted by a world full of trouble,

Living life in their own little bubble.

A natural instinct to smile or cry,

More likely to tell the truth than lie.

Every day growing wiser and older,

When they fall cries on your shoulder.

There's so much from a child, adults could learn,

But a blind eye they prefer to turn.

If only we could keep our childhood innocence for ever,

But adults think they know it all, and are far too clever.

Copyright ©Paul Williams 28/9/23


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