As I walk through my garden
I witnessed a rare phenomenon
How innocent, the flower inviting the bee to it's abode
An open invitation to kiss it's face
The bee too readily obliged
Dancing in delight
Little did they realise
A predator waiting in it's wings
Closely watching to curtail their communion
The unsuspecting flower and bee
Singing melodies
All they could hear is the sound of a pair of wings
They assumed the bird too is joining them in their celebration
The bird's intentions are different
A sumptuous meal in the making
Mercilessly picking the bee with it's sharp beak
Flying back to it's nest to savor
All that is left is the shocked flower
With a few petals fallen
The song of melancholy filling the garden
I walked back with tearful eyes
Oh ! Nature how docile and cruel
A perfect contrast of different emotion
(C) Saiprakash