The rays of the sun, soaking
through a glass window,
Twinkling stars in the night or a
glittering light show,
Rain drops falling on the lakes
and rivers,
Chirping of birds in the morning or
the lining through the cloud, which
is silver.
They all bring to you, the reason;
To not give up;
To cherish the beauty around;
To smile;
To admire;
To soak in happiness;
To listen to the mellifluous song
of life;
And to sing that song;
Yes, you heard it right,
That's Hope.
Like the foundation of a
Like a firefly in the night, making it
Like the elderly people of a
Like a winning memory...
Hope paves the way to move ahead
in life,
When the winds are against you and
you have an inner strife,
Hope is the saddle when you want
to ride through,
Hope is the silence that stirs and
lets you overcome the fear inside
©Ekta Ahuja
Ekta Ahuja is author of two poetry e-books, "It's You" and "Cardinal Emotions". She is a bilingual poet (Hindi and English). She designs book covers and also templates for quotes and poems. She has designed cover of poetry magazine: Taahira and book cover: Shoreline etc. She has contributed poems in several Anthologies and literary magazines like Blossoms, Triveni, Worwid etc. Her few poems have also been translated into Rajasthani and Bengali. She loves to host her Virtual Poetic Talk show "Splendid Seven" where she has already welcomed many revered poets from all over the world. She has a Facebook page, name "Ekta Ahuja: World of words".