Little things done shows leaps and bounds
Little favors requested leads to heart of sound
The bridge of echoes fills her with gladfulness
As the wind blows with tons of petals of thankfulness
Express all with a good attitude
Not hiding away from solitude
Yet showing waves of gratitude
Gives her love of great magnitude
Not forgetting our parents for their love
and dedication
Our siblings for their support without
no hesitation
Our teacher who mold us to be good
citizens with education
As life flows with kindness , hope ,
compassion and thankfulness we veer the
path to a positive future of destination
Gloria Magallanes-Loeb
********BIO *******
Gloria Magallanes-Loeb is a award winning
poetess and author of NATURE: The moon,
The sky, Flowers and Feelings. Has received
numerous awards and certificates. She’s an
active member of several poetry groups on
Facebook. Born in Walnut Creek, California
USA. She began writing in grade school and
her poems were published in the Tolentine Star school paper in high school. Gloria is happily
married with one grown son. Having lived in
San Francisco for over 30 years. Gloria has
recently received The Lifetime Achievement Award from Ms. Aida Roque founder of GWWC
and Poetic Gold Flame Ink Society. She serves
as a Moderator for FPB Poetry Group and has
contributed to 16 book anthologies