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 If Love Is True

Love is not a fashion, to wear it like a fad

It just can't be temporary, like, 'twas something I once had

It's a feeling, an emotion, that turns your heart all gay

It's something you can't deny being there, in your heart, forever to stay

It can't ever just disappear, if your love was mutual and true

It lingers on even till you die, as in your heart being sown it grew 

It may somehow still diminish, if not watered, but it won't die

You'll find it does bloom again, when their thoughts even come by

But love does breed in constant, and grows in bounds and leaps

Everyday blooming flowers, that sow again still deep

When they're grounded to form roots, everyday a tangle forms

When you share your nights together, and days, forming bonds

Well, for everyone it may be different, for all not the same

For some it's fragrant flowers, for some a walk in the rain

For some it could be fun, as with best friends what we share

And for some it could be pain, when someone's loss our heart must bear

But if that love is true, it'll forever be there, owning room

In your heart, in a chamber, always, ready to bloom 

When watered with some tears, or treated with a smile 

When their thoughts bring back those memories, faded for a while...

©️Ron L . ©️Ronel David


Ronel David is a budding poet from INDIA. He usually writes with a certain rhyme scheme. His poems are usually inspired by nature and life. He loves to write whenever he gets the time. Ronel is a businessman by profession, but his talent as a writer, was discovered just a few years ago. His compositions have been widely appreciated, and some are part of a few anthologies, namely Treasures of Love, Nirvana, The Life Within the Cage of Soul,.. and a few more...


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