Hilarious is the laughter of the night
An energetic outburst of delight
Riding the clouds, it encroaches my gate
Spreading its wings, it drives the sun away
Snuffing life out of the once vibrant day
Thus, the moon claims it's his tenure to reign
Here come the stars rollicking in glistering colours
Gates breached, rumbling ceased
Splashes of calm waters, solemn beats
Pathways cease to hold multitudes
Outspread branches hosting lovers underneath
The moon peeps, stars gaze in awe
Endearing vermillion, affections abound
Dreams and love, promises and more
Soft caresses of the night lulling every soul to bed
Stars drenching the nightly sky
The pathway to the beautiful dreamlands
Closed eyes relieving the body of all stress
Wealth wrecked, the society becomes classless
With all succumbing to the irresistible urge to lay and rest
Today avails no more, the dawn opens to a new day ahead
©Adelere Victor
Adelere Victor is a Nigerian, a young passionate writer who engages his pen in all genres of literature. He's written many poems on different themes. He writes to inspire.