A lonesome, starry night'
Captures a love through the ages
A day turning into nighttime
A book with both the pages
Midnight and the moon
Making not a sound
A pure and simple bond
A single star appears
On twilights horizon, blessing
The darkness and the light
The moon so poignant
A drifting melancholy deep
To hush us softly into sleep
Silver twinkling, countless
In the eye of the sky
Sad melodies born from so high
The air heavy, breathes out a sigh
Cradled in the arms of nights lullaby
A single tear falls, from eyes of a yawn
Eye close to open to a new and tender dawn!
©Carol Mitra
Carol Mitra is a poet born during the pandemic times and has written and published two of her own poetry books. She has been published in all three of the anthologies of 'Poetry Soup' on an international platform and her books are available worldwide. She currently lives in New Delhi with her husband.