Artistic Nature sprays captivating colours
On clear canvas of sky, in the hours
Of sublime sunrise and mesmerizing sunset
With magical invisible brush, mixing on palette
Primary and secondary colours to make new hues
Being unsatisfied keeps experimenting as if getting clues,
From some mentor to create more appealing awesome aurora,
Seeking inspiration from mysterious sources to generate aura
Extremely unique, mystical, unmatchable and ever changing
Under the guidance of Supreme creator, which is so amazing
As can't be copied ditto literally by any human being,
However great perfect painter one may be proclaiming
Oneself as expert in the art of painting many a picture,
Same to same but can never compete with nature.
Natures excels all in producing such excellent paintings
On the sky's vast ambit as provide feast to eyes, wondering
At God's miraculous powers with admiration innocently,
Along with food for thought to fanciful minds immensely
Who are always busy in capturing the natural beauty
In amusing words for exhilarating oneself and others till eternity.
- Promila Bhardwaj
Copyrights reserved
Promila Punnu Bhardwaj is a bi-lingual from Himachal Pradesh of India.Her poems, articles and short stories have been published in National newspapers, literary magazines and in more than 300 Poetic Anthologies. Her four Anthologies of English poetry and two Anthologies of Hindi poetry have been published. Besides participating in Literary & Cultural Programs and T.V. Programmes, many citations, awards and appreciation certificates have been rendered to her from esteemed literary institutions and literary groups.